Base Class For File-based Reporters

This module contains an abstract implementation of a file-based reporter defining some common behavior and logic the concrete reporters can take advantage of.


Depend on this module and inherit your concrete reporter implementation from the org.revapi.reporter.file.AbstractFileReporter.


In your class, provide the implementation for the abstract methods and follow the javadocs. This module also contains the JSON schema that corresponds to the configuration properties supported by this base implementation. There is no way of reusing that currently so you need to copy it and enhance it in your reporter module.

Sample Configuration

    "extension": >>>YOUR EXTENSION<<<,
    "configuration": {
      "minSeverity": "POTENTIALLY_BREAKING",
      "minCriticality": "documented",
      "output" : "out",
      "append": false,
      "keepEmptyFile": true


These are the configuration properties supported by this base implementation.


The minimum severity of problems that will be included in the output. Possible values are EQUIVALENT, NON_BREAKING, POTENTIALLY_BREAKING and BREAKING. At least one of minSeverity and minCriticality should be specified.


The minimum criticality of problems that will be included in the output. The possible values are the ones defined in the pipeline configuration of the analysis. By default, these are allowed, documented, highlight and error.


The path to the output file. Two special values are recognized: out (which is the default value of this property) and err which represent standard output or standard error output respectively.


Whether to append to the chosen output or whether to overwrite it (doesn’t make sense for standard (error) output). The default value is false meaning the output file will be overwritten if it already exists.


Defaults to true. If true the output file is kept even if no reports were written to it and thus it is empty. Has no effect if append is set to true.